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Support Us

The Mississauga Chamber Singers (previously MCS Chorus) has been sharing the joy of singing with the communities and neighbourhoods throughout the city for decades. Donors like you are a part of our success story, and your support makes a big difference to the quality, affordability, and accessibility of live classical choral concerts in Mississauga.

Now, more than ever, your support will sustain MCS as an integral part of Mississauga’s arts and cultural scene.

Individuals and businesses can support the choir’s activities in a variety of ways including:

  • Donate today towards funding magnificent concerts with professional soloists and orchestra, performances in Senior’s communities, and our in-school presentation of ‘Gallery of Song‘!
  • Advertise in our Concert Progammes and spread the word locally about your business or services.
  • Support the MCS through your Sponsorship of the concert season or the in-school arts and education program – ‘Gallery of Song‘.

The Mississauga Chamber Singers and its Board of Directors sincerely thank our patrons, our audience and our financial contributors for their continuing support, which enables us to be a vibrant part of Mississauga’s arts community.

Our Charitable Registration Number is:  119043545 RR0001

The Mississauga Chamber Singers gratefully acknowledge the City of Mississauga, Culture Division,
and The Ontario Arts Foundation for their financial support.

The Mississauga Chamber Singers is a member of the Mississauga Charitable Gaming Association
and is generously supported with funds raised through volunteering at RAMA Gaming Centre, Mississauga.